Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an ancient healing art developed over thousands of years. Most commonly thought of as Acupuncture, TCM also includes Chinese Herbology, Tui Na massage, Qi Gong exercises, Diet and Nutrition, and Lifestyle choices. TCM is used to treat acute and chronic ailments, relieve pain, enhance recuperative powers, and strengthen the immune system.

Qi, Yin & Yang

TCM is based on three fundamental Chinese concepts: Qi, Yin and Yang. Qi is a Chinese term that has no exact English translation. It can be defined as “vital breath” or “life energy”. Yin (matter) and Yang (energy) are the Chinese concepts for the two complimentary yet opposing qualities of Qi and therefore everything in the universe can be described in terms of Yin and Yang. Qi is that which holds these two qualities together in balance.

Or health is dependent upon the equilibrium of the qi or life energy flowing within our bodies. As qi becomes imbalanced, due to such factors as stress, trauma, poor diet, environmental toxins, emotional issues, or genetic pre-disposition, we experience disease. The greater the imbalance the more severe the disease. TCM practitioners are trained to observe the imbalances of qi as evidenced through the excesses and deficiency of yin and yang within the body. As we balance yin and yang we stimulate the body’s natural ability to heal itself.


Acupuncture is the insertion of very fine needles into specific points in the body. These acupuncture points are located on defined pathways in the body, called meridians, through which qi flows. By proper insertion and manipulation of the needles we can regulate and balance the flow of qi. Only sterile and disposable needles are used.

Chinese Herbology

Chinese Herbology uses formulas consisting of many different types of herbs. These formulas treat a wide variety of ailments while stimulating the body’s natural healing processes. Chinese herbs are often prescribed to support and enhance the effectiveness of acupuncture treatments.

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